Crimson Harmony

RM 90.00

Experience the captivating allure of our ‘Crimson Harmony Bouquet’. This bouquet brings together the timeless elegance of five deep red roses and the delicate beauty of carnations, resulting in a harmonious symphony of colors and textures.

This bouquet consists of

5 India red roses, 5 carnations in pink, Chamomile flowers, White Spray Roses and Eucalyptus Leaves

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(+RM 15.00 RM 7.50)
(+RM 15.00 RM 7.50)

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Experience the captivating allure of our ‘Crimson Harmony Bouquet’. This bouquet brings together the timeless elegance of five deep red roses and the delicate beauty of carnations, resulting in a harmonious symphony of colors and textures.

This bouquet consists of

5 India red roses, 5 carnations in pink, Chamomile flowers, White Spray Roses and Eucalyptus Leaves

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