RM 150.00
Introducing our enchanting Six Purple Roses Bouquet, a captivating arrangement that combines elegance and allure in every bloom. Each velvety petal of these exquisite roses is saturated in a deep, rich purple hue, creating a mesmerizing tapestry of color.
This bouquet consists of:
6 purple roses, Eustoma, Carnations, Ammi White & Eucalyptus
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Introducing our enchanting Six Purple Roses Bouquet, a captivating arrangement that combines elegance and allure in every bloom. Each velvety petal of these exquisite roses is saturated in a deep, rich purple hue, creating a mesmerizing tapestry of color.
This bouquet consists of:
6 purple roses, Eustoma, Carnations, Ammi White & Eucalyptus
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