Carnation Charm

RM 90.00

Carnation Charm is a celebration of the timeless elegance and understated beauty of carnations. Each bouquet is a symphony of delicate hues and graceful blooms, carefully selected and expertly arranged to enchant the senses. Whether it’s a gesture of love, appreciation, or remembrance, Carnation Charm captivates with its simplicity and sophistication. Perfect for any occasion, these enchanting bouquets are sure to leave a lasting impression and bring joy to those who receive them. Embrace the allure of carnations with Carnation Charm, where every petal tells a story of timeless charm and heartfelt sentiment.

***Due to the high demand on Mother’s Day, our delivery time slots are split into two sections: before 12 PM and after 12 PM.

While we cannot guarantee an exact delivery time, please rest assured that we will do our best to fulfill your order promptly. Your understanding is greatly appreciated as we work to make this Mother’s Day special for all.***

Add-On Drinks

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Carnation Charm is a celebration of the timeless elegance and understated beauty of carnations. Each bouquet is a symphony of delicate hues and graceful blooms, carefully selected and expertly arranged to enchant the senses. Whether it’s a gesture of love, appreciation, or remembrance, Carnation Charm captivates with its simplicity and sophistication. Perfect for any occasion, these enchanting bouquets are sure to leave a lasting impression and bring joy to those who receive them. Embrace the allure of carnations with Carnation Charm, where every petal tells a story of timeless charm and heartfelt sentiment.

***Due to the high demand on Mother’s Day, our delivery time slots are split into two sections: before 12 PM and after 12 PM.

While we cannot guarantee an exact delivery time, please rest assured that we will do our best to fulfill your order promptly. Your understanding is greatly appreciated as we work to make this Mother’s Day special for all.***

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