Blushed Roses Bouquet

RM 133.00

you are looking for a bouquet of roses with touches of pink, you are at the right spot. Our “Blushed” Roses bouquet might just be the one you need! Hand sprayed on color by our florist, this arrangement will be eye-catching for whoever that may receive it.

Stems Included
9 Stalk White Ecuador Rose ( Sprayed on pink

1-5 days

In stock

Add-On Drinks

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(+RM 15.00 RM 7.50)
(+RM 15.00 RM 7.50)

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If you are looking for a bouquet of roses with touches of pink, you are at the right spot. Our “Blushed” Roses bouquet might just be the one you need! Hand sprayed on color by our florist, this arrangement will be eye-catching for whoever that may receive it.

Stems Included
9 Stalk White Ecuador Rose ( Sprayed on pink

1-5 days

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