Ava Carnation Bouquet
RM 75.00
This minimalist bouquet consist of 5 carnations with eucalyptus Cineria leaves.
Carnation color available in Red & Pink
Dimension: 25* 35(H) cm
Please note that we are unable to promise time-specific deliveries on 13.05.2023 & 14.05.2023. This is to ensure fairness to all our customers and to maintain the efficiency in our operations. Delivery time slots on these two days will be spread into 8am- 12pm & 1pm- 7pm.
Your understanding is required.
This minimalist bouquet consist of 5 carnations with eucalyptus Cineria leaves.
Carnation color available in Red & Pink
Dimension: 25* 35(H) cm
Please note that we are unable to promise time-specific deliveries on 13.05.2023 & 14.05.2023. This is to ensure fairness to all our customers and to maintain the efficiency in our operations. Delivery time slots on these two days will be spread into 8am- 12pm & 1pm- 7pm.
Your understanding is required.
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